Golden Pride

Zuri - Golden Pride

Cabin 3

The Story

Rescued from unsafe keeping conditions and facing a cruel fate, the hallmarks of the exploitative captive breeding industry, Zuri can finally feel safe in his new home at LIONSROCK. Zuri is a member of the “Golden Pride”-seven females and three males rescued from a captive breeding facility in Krugersdorp, Gauteng Province of South Africa. 

FOUR PAWS took over the pride after Gauteng provincial authorities issued a notice to the owners of the facility for having failed to comply with permit requirements. In her species-appropriate home at LIONSROCK, Zuri can be seen spending time with her sisters, lying side by side on top of a wooden structure, rolling on the grass, moving around, or stalking the horses grazing on the other side of the high security fence. 

Sadly, the story of Zuri is just a tiny portion of the dark spot arising from the exploitative captive breeding practices operating in a legal grey area and feeding into the criminal underworld of illegal trade in wild animals and their parts. FOUR PAWS says NO to captive breeding of big cats. 

Zuri Room Picture 1
Table setting

We are a community of people who care about animals, health and the environment. We offer a menu that features delicious and nutritious dishes made with fresh and organic ingredients.

By reducing our consumption of animal products, we help prevent animal suffering, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and conserve natural resources. We also support local and ethical farmers who share our vision of a more humane and sustainable food system. We invite you to join us in our restaurant policy and enjoy our food and service.

Room Amenities 

  • Satellite Television
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Room Service
  • En-Suite
  • Electric Blanket
  • Coffee-Counter
  • Kitchen
  • Fireplace



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